7 benefits of using Epsom Salt for Plants – Natural Fertilizer
Epsom Salt is NOT Sendha Namak
Many beginner gardeners seem to think so, hence the clarification first. Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulphate – MgSo4 crystals. It is a white crystalline substance used not only for gardening but also in the medical field.
What does Epsom Salt do for Plants?
Magnesium aids chlorophyll formation by aiding the plant in photosynthesis and allows a plant to take up nutrients in a better manner. It also boosts a plant’s ability to flower, which, usually is the ultimate goal. The deficiency of Magnesium shows up as yellowing laves with dark veins and spindly looking weak plants.
Sulphur (or Sulfar) is essential for the formation of certain vitamins, proteins and oils that contribute to the health of a plant. Although needed in trace amounts, deficiency of Sulphur can’t be ignored. It also helps increase immunity to diseases.

How to Use Epsom Salt for Plants – 7 WAYS
1. Healthy Juicy Tomato Crop
Mix 1 tsp. Epsom Salt into 1 ltr. of water and spray on tomato leaves every 15 days. Unless the plants have a deficiency(verified by a soil test), there is no need to increase this frequency.

2. Feeding Epsom Salt for more VIBRANT ROSES
Sprinkle a tsp. of crystals in the soil, around the base of a rose or any flowering plant fortnightly. Adding Epsom salt to soil is highly beneficial for azaleas, gardenias, rhododendron and peppers as well.
3. Reduces TRANSPLANT Shock
Add some Epsom salt into the planting hole before transplanting new seedlings to help them settle better. They are less likely to die, following this method.

4. Greener GRASS
Sprinkle Epsom salt over a patchy lawn to revive it or over the soil while sowing grass seeds to grow lush green grass.
5. Prevent & Treat LEAF CURL
Spraying Epsom salt every week is extremely helpful in preventing and treating leaf curl in plants like peppers.

6. Healthy Houseplants, Ferns & Palms
Epsom salt boosts the health of houseplants and tropical’s like ferns. It also prevents stagnant distorted growth on the crown of palms.
7. Easy Re-potting
Soak the roots of a plant in Epsom salt solution for half and hour before re-potting to help minimize loss.
Relaxes tired feet & Muscles
Soak tired feet in a tub of warm water and Epsom Salt crystals to relieve pains, numbness, relax muscles and detox. It is believed to draw out all toxins from the body, thereby, is also a good addition to bath water.
Make your own bath salts
Mix a handful of Epsom Salt crystals with a few drops of your preferred essential oil and food color (if you wish to). That’s it! Shake well and use in the bath tub.

As with everything these days, it is definitely available online. Type BUY EPSOM SALT ONLINE INDIA for results on Amazon and Ebay.

But, i like to buy a box of 400 gms. from our local chemist in Ludhiana for Rs.20. This is the cheapest it can get! If anyone wants, i will share the exact address.

Till then, happy experimenting with MgSo4.
P.S. Once,before going away on a vacation, i’d sprinkled lightly crushed Epsom Salt crystals in all the pots, thinking they will be watered in the morning by the maid. It was a chilly morning when my husband saw the crystals and informed me on phone that, it is so cold, ice crystals have formed on the soil in the pots.. 😛
so cold, ice crystals have formed on the soil
i am from ludhiana.. please tell the address i would like to buy it.. BTW if you search for epsom salt on google it gives sendha namak in the results. Is it true rock salt and epsom salt are one and the same thing?.
Hello!! Nope they are both completely different. In ludhiana, i buy epsom salt from the chemist shop right next to hero bakery at the chowk( leading to model town and convent school) this shop is really old and established and always stock a few boxes. I hope u figured it out because there is only shop chemist next to hero bakery. Thanks for stopping by the blog! Have u participated in the blog contest? http://budscape.net/submit-your-best-gardening-tip-and-win-blog-contest/
Great… Thanks a lot.. Thats on my way back to home.. Shall check definitely..
Will post the tip soon..
here in the Philippines..where to buy that Epsom salt? that sounds great for roses…
Epsom salt is great for roses indeed!! If you can’t find it online, try asking at a pharmacy. It is used as a laxative.
I love how Epsom salt could help the plant grow healthy. I will add this one for my planting activities. Thank you for sharing this one. Good work!