What to do with Lilium (Asiatic Lily) Bulbs after Flowering? – Propagate or Store
Let’s talk about propagating LILIUM flowers today! The most common confusion beginner gardeners face is what to do with bulbs after they have finished flowering! Since each flower bulb behaves differently and are highly weather dependent, most gardeners end up losing flower bulbs while they can easily be stored or propagated for the next season. After the lilium flowering season is over, what’s left behind is green foliage that usually continues to grow but does not flower again. Let’s explore how to proceed from there-on..
Besides the main green stem, you will probably notice some small growth around it. This is a sign that the bulbs are diving already. Now, you could just let it be BUT –
- The space can be used to grow something else in season
- It does not require the same amount of sunlight
- Manually divided bulbs give birth to more than letting them be
- So, dig up the bulbs first. Be very gentle & careful.
- Now, dust off the extra soil & remove dead foliage only.
- You will notice some smaller bulbs clumped up with the main ones.
- Gently split apart the multiplying bulbs, big or small. some very small ones will fall off in the process. It’s ok.
- Now, choose a place with shade – only daylight not direct sun.
- Prepare a pot with well draining soil adding lots of sand & some cocopeat.
- Add compost to the soil to feed the bulbs. This is very important for better flowers, later on.
- Remember, if the water does not drain quickly, the bulbs will rot instead of multiplying.
- Re-plant each bulb with its healthy leaves intact.
- Plant the smaller bulb-lets as well.
- Now, just keep an eye and water regularly but LESS. We only want the bulbs to grow, not rot.
- Let them grow till the foliage stays green.
- As soon as the leaves die off, remove all bulbs & store. If they are kept in the pot beyond this point, they will simply rot & die.

If the foliage does not die off at all, congrats! The bulbs love the weather and have probably naturalized. Let them be. When the flowering season comes, remove, divide & replant for better blooms.
How do you treat you lilium bulbs after they finish flowering? Do comment!
Hello, great article. Except your title says “propagate or store” . So I was expecting instructions on how to store the bulbs as well. Or maybe I just misunderstood the title, that is very possible. ????
Thank you and have a blessed day. Vanessa Carroll